HBC Community Benefits

We are committed to serving the food service and hospitality industries by providing you with valuable and timely information to help you grow your business.  It is our goal to provide a forum where you can learn what your peers are doing, share best practices, anticipate trends, hear about new products and offers, receive recipes on a regular basis, and participate in focus groups and beta testing opportunities.

Our plan is also to also offer time saving tips, product demos, product training for your staff, as well as future webinars and videos offered by our expert guests.

All you need to do is let us know your name, email, and the types of content that interest you.  No purchase is necessary.

Benefits include:

  • Relevant and Timely Content– we will provide you with the latest greatest information about your industry, interesting stories about your peers, industry trends, and recipes from around the world.
  • HBC Product Giveaways–  we will draw a name from the list of those participating in the HBC Community every quarter; you could win a blender or other Hamilton-Beach Commercial product.
  • Beta Testing/Online Focus Group Opportunities–  when preparing to launch new products, we will randomly select HBC members to participate; your feedback is vital to designing new products.
  • Peer Network– HBC will share the best stories, ideas, practices, and recipes from other chefs and bartenders across the nation, and throughout the world.
  • Recipes from Around the World– we will regularly send you recipes created by the HBC kitchen as well as those shared by others in the HBC Community and partnering organizations.
  • Inside Scoop– you will be the first group outside of Hamilton Beach Commercial to get early details regarding new products and features.
  • Webinars/Training– you will be eligible to access video and webinar training, where you and your staff can learn new tips, tricks, and ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your business.

We believe that whenever we can help your business be more successful, more profitable, and satisfy more customers, we are doing our job.   Please share your stories, your ideas, your recipes, and let us know how we can serve you better.  The best ones that we receive could be published on our website, and give you and your organization national or international exposure.



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