Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
General | Licuadoras | Shaver Blenders | Mezcladoras | Blend in Cup 3000 | Glass Washers | 932 Juicer | Batidoras de pedestal| Máquina de cocteles Bartesian Professional
Q: What does HBB stand for?
A: Hamilton Beach Brands.
Q: How can I contact Technical Services?
A: Technical Services can be reached via the link on this website or by calling at 1-866-285-1087.
P: ¿Cuál es el número NEMA del enchufe de tres clavijas que usan todos los productos de 120 voltios?
Se aplica a: todos los productos comerciales de tres clavijas, 120 voltios, excepto las tostadoras HTS.
R: NEMA-5-15.
Applies to: HTS450
P: ¿Cuál es el número NEMA del enchufe de tres clavijas que se usa en las tostadoras HTS450 de 120 voltios?
R: NEMA-5-20
Q: What is ECSP?
A: Express Care Service Program. This is a warranty program that applies to specific products. Please refer to the warranty information supplied with your product to determine the type of warranty coverage your product carries.
Q: With the ECSP coverage is the unit that you send to me a loaner?
A: No, it is a replacement and carries the remainder of the warranty of the original machine.
Q: With the ECSP coverage do I get a new warranty with my replacement unit?
A: No, the warranty is prorated based upon the original purchase.
Q: I have had a unit that was replaced under warranty. Do I need to return the defective unit?
A: Yes, The defective unit must be returned within 21 days or the warranty is voided on the replacement unit.
Q: My warranty has been voided because I did not return my defective unit within 21 days. How can I get my warranty reinstated?
A: Call Technical Services to arrange for the return of the defective unit, return the unit and follow up to ensure that your warranty has been reinstated once the machine has been returned.
Q: Can you assist me with my household product?
A: We do not have information necessary to support you with you household product. You will need to contact the Retail Consumer Service Team at 1-800-851-8900.
Applies to: All blenders
P: Mi licuadora es muy ruidosa. ¿Por qué?
R: La mayoría de las quejas de este tipo se derivan de algunas causas comunes:
- Es posible que haya un cojinete desgastado en el conjunto de cuchillas. Quite la jarra de la licuadora. Gire lentamente el conjunto de cuchillas desde la parte inferior de la jarra. Si es difícil de girar o se siente flojo o tambaleante, reemplace el conjunto de cuchillas.
- Es posible que haya un acoplamiento de transmisión desgastado. Revise los dientes del acoplamiento en la parte superior de la unidad de la licuadora y en la parte inferior de la jarra.
- Para las unidades con Quiet Shield™, verifique que el Quiet Shield™ no esté suelto.
If you feel that you are exercising the proper usage for your unit and still experiencing problems, please contact us.
P: Mi licuadora se ha detenido durante el funcionamiento normal. ¿Por qué?
R: Es posible que la unidad se haya sobrecalentado. Revise el circuito eléctrico para verificar que la energía esté llegando a la licuadora. Si es así, desenchufe la unidad durante 20-30 minutos. Luego, vuelva a enchufar la unidad y pruébela.
A: Most complaints of this type stem from a few common causes:
- Verifique que la licuadora que compró sea adecuada para su uso. Por ejemplo: la licuadora HBF600R está diseñada para preparar alimentos. Podría tener un rendimiento deficiente al mezclar bebidas.
- Make sure to read and understand the usage instructions in your Operation Manual. The order in which you pour ingredients into the container, the size and density of solid ingredients, and more, all affect the performance of your blender. Example: Always pour liquid ingredients in first, and ensure that you have enough liquid for the product you are blending.
- Do not overfill the container. Exceeding the maximum recommended capacity of the container will result in poor blending, and can result in damage to the unit.
- Ensure that your recipe uses enough liquid. If the mix never achieves a free “flow” inside the container, then your recipe is too thick or too dry.
If you feel that you are exercising the proper usage for your unit and still experiencing problems, please contact us.
Applies to: All blenders.
Q: My blender doesn’t blend as well as it did when new. What is wrong?
A: Inspect the base and container drives for wear. If wear is visible they may slip under load, preventing the cutter assembly from turning at full speed. Also, evaluate the cutter assembly for replacement, as it will eventually wear from use. Refer to your Operation Manual for recommended maintenance periods for your unit. If replacement of the drive couplings and cutter assembly do not improve performance please contact us.
Q: I need to change my rubber coated drive couplings. What is the proper way to replace them?
Applies to: All blenders with rubber coated drive couplings
A:It is recommended that if the cutter assembly drive coupling is worn that you change the cutter assembly. The drive coupling on the base unit can be removed as follows:
- Obtain a blunt pointed punch and a hammer.
- Place the tip of the punch against one of the teeth on the drive coupling on the slanted side of the tooth.
- Lower the handle of the punch to approximately horizontal and strike the handle of the punch with a hammer.
- The impact of the hammer blow will shock the mating threads and begin to loosen the drive coupling.
- The drive coupling will spin away from you when you strike it. This is natural and to be expected. When the drive coupling stop spinning pick another tooth and repeat the process.
- Después de unos golpes, normalmente verá que el acoplamiento de transmisión se desenrosca.
- Continue this method until the drive coupling is completely unscrewed.
Note: the HBB250 and HBB250S have a right hand thread so you will be striking the drive coupling in a counter clockwise direction. - All other machines with this type drive coupling have a left had thread and will turn clockwise to unscrew.
Applies to: HBH450.
R:Todos los modelos actuales de licuadora con acoplamientos de transmisión metálicos tienen algún método para mantener el armazón quieto desde la parte inferior del motor. Fije la armadura y use una llave hexagonal para desmontar el acoplamiento de transmisión en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.
P: Mientras usaba mi licuadora, olí a quemado o vi humo. ¿Qué debo hacer?
Se aplica a: todas las licuadoras
R: Desenchufe inmediatamente la unidad. Si tiene una unidad con acoplamientos de transmisión de goma a goma, inspecciónelos en busca de daños o desgaste. Los acoplamientos de transmisión deslizantes pueden oler a quemado o desprender humo. Si están claramente desgastados, es necesario reemplazarlos. Esto puede deberse a:
- Incorrectly loading the container and locking the cutter, preventing it from turning.
- Placing the cutter gasket under, instead of on top of, the cutter flange, resulting in spacing the drive couplings apart.
If there is no sign of drive coupling wear, or your unit has metal drive couplings, then the unit may have suffered a failure. Do not attempt to use the unit before contacting us.
Q: Can HBC blender containers withstand laboratory sterilization?
Applies to: All blenders.
A: No
Shaver Blenders:
Q: What has happened when I receive a “rotation error message”?
Applies to: All shaver blenders.
A: The shaver portion of the machine is not counting the number of turns the ice shaver has made. Most common reason is a broken magnet on the shaver motor.
Q: The shaver is turning but the ice is not coming down. What has happened?
Applies to: All shaver blenders.
A: You have an ice jam. The ice has melted and has begun to refreeze causing the ice to stick together creating an ice chunk. Use a metal or heavy plastic ice scoop to break up the ice.
Q: I am getting the message, “inner hopper not in place”. What is wrong?
Applies to: All shaver blenders.
A: There is a plastic diversion fin in the inner hopper that sticks out about 3 inches from the outside rim of the hopper. Looking down on the hopper from the front of the machine this fin should be in the 1:00 position. Remove the ice, lift and rotate the inner hopper until the fin is at the 1:00 position and then place the inner hopper down into the proper holes.
Q: I am getting the message, “lid not in place” but I can see that the lid is in place. What is wrong?
Applies to: All shaver blenders.
A: Most of the time you are getting the “lid not in place” message is for the same reason as “inner hopper not in place” message.
There is a plastic diversion fin in the inner hopper that sticks out about 3 inches from the outside rim of the hopper. Looking down on the hopper from the front of the machine this fin should be in the 1:00 position. Remove the ice, lift and rotate the inner hopper until the fin is at the 1:00 position and then place the inner hopper down into the proper holes.
Q: I am getting the message, “replace memory card.” Why?
Applies to: All shaver blenders.
A: Either the memory card has shaken loose or an electrical surge has interrupted the signal. Unplug the machine, remove the ice, place the machine on it’s side, remove the screws holding the clear plastic cover in place, pull the memory card out paying attention to which way the electronics are facing, replace it in the slot, replace the cover, stand up the machine, plug it in, try the machine without replacing the ice. If the machine runs okay, replace the ice and continue using the machine. If it doesn’t work, contact Technical services.
Q: I am getting a “speed sensor error”. Why?
Applies to: All shaver blenders.
A: The blender portion of the machine is not counting the number of turns the blender motor has made. Most common reason is a broken magnet on the blender motor.
P: Sale demasiado hielo en mi bebida de 14 onzas. ¿Qué debo hacer?
Se aplica a: todas las licuadoras raspadoras.
R: Siga las instrucciones de la hoja de personalización del volumen de hielo para ajustar la cantidad de hielo para cualquier combinación de bebidas.
Q: How can I adjust the blend time?
Applies to: All shaver blenders.
A: Follow the directions on the Ice Volume Customization Sheet to adjust the amount of ice for any drink combination.
Q: Water is running into the container instead of down the drain. Why?
Applies to: All shaver blenders.
A: The drain is plugged, the drain hose has a kink or is running up hill at some point. Another possibility is that the end of the drain hose is submersed not allowing it to drain.
Q: There is a jelly like substance growing in my drain and clogging the drain flow. What is it and how do I get rid of it?
Applies to: All shaver blenders.
A: Slowly melting ice can form, what we call “cold water algae”. It is very simple to avoid or remove the algae. Once a day, remove the ice from the inner hopper, fill the blender container with hot tap water, plug the drain hole to the rear of the blender jar pad and slowly pour the hot water into the inner hopper. The hot water will dissolve any algae and flush the drain.
P: La unidad no funciona o se detiene mientras está en funcionamiento y no se puede reiniciar. ¿Por qué?
Se aplica a: todas las licuadoras raspadoras.
A: Puede haber un problema con la fuente de alimentación. Verifique si la unidad está conectada de manera segura a una toma de corriente eléctrica. Verifique si el fusible de la toma de corriente eléctrica se ha fundido o si un disyuntor se ha disparado. Verifique si el interruptor de circuito en la parte trasera de la unidad se ha disparado. Verifique que el interruptor de encendido/apagado esté en la posición de encendido (I). Verifique que la tarjeta de memoria esté instalada correctamente.
P: La cantidad de hielo dispensado no es constante. ¿Por qué?
Se aplica a: todas las licuadoras raspadoras.
A: Verifique que la unidad esté nivelada y colocada sobre una superficie sólida y resistente.
P: La unidad se está llenado de agua o o el agua se filtra sobre el mostrador. ¿Por qué?
Se aplica a: todas las licuadoras raspadoras.
A: Verifique que el extremo de la manguera de drenaje no esté bajo el agua ni bloqueado. Verifique que la manguera de drenaje esté correctamente instalada y dirigida.
P: Noto un aumento de las vibraciones o del ruido de la licuadora, o fugas en la base de la jarra. ¿Por qué?
Se aplica a: todas las licuadoras raspadoras.
A: Revise el conjunto de las cuchillas para ver si hay cuchillas sueltas o dañadas. Reemplace si es necesario.
Drink Mixers:
Applies to: All drink mixers.
P: Mi unidad es muy ruidosa. ¿Por qué?
Es posible que el agitador esté dañado o suelto. Inspeccione el agitador y asegúrese de que esté completamente ensamblado. Inspeccione el agitador en busca de daños. Reemplace el agitador cada 3 meses.
Verifique si hay un posible eje doblado. Gire el eje manualmente para asegurarse de que funcione sin problemas y no haya variación en la posición del eje. Si se tambalea u oscila, el eje está dañado y se debe reemplazar el conjunto del motor.
Pregunta: Durante el funcionamiento normal, la máquina se detuvo. ¿Por qué?
Se aplica a: todas las mezcladoras de bebidas.
A: Es posible que la unidad se haya sobrecalentado. Revise el circuito eléctrico para verificar que la energía esté llegando a la licuadora. Si es así, desenchufe la unidad durante 20-30 minutos, luego vuelva a enchufar la unidad y pruébela.
Q: My new mixer doesn’t mix well. Why?
- Make sure that you’re using the correct agitator. Be sure to use the correct agitator for your recipe.
Hard ice cream (-10 F or lower): Solid agitator.
Ice cream with candy / cookie mix-ins: 929 agitator - Make sure the unit is correct for your application.
HMD200: Used for medium volumes of hard or soft ice cream with standard agitator, low volumes of mix-in shakes using the 929 agitator.
HMD400: Used for high volumes of hard or soft ice cream with the standard agitator, medium volumes of mix-in shakes using the 929 agitator. - Make sure the recipe uses enough liquid. If the recipe is too thick or too dry, you will not achieve the proper “flow” necessary for complete mixing.
Q: I need to replace my agitator. How do I get the old one off?
Applies to: All drink mixers
A: The agitators employ a standard thread. So they would be turned counterclockwise for removal.
If food build-up prevents you from removing the agitator by hand, try filling your cup half way with warm soapy water and placing the cup on the machine for a couple hours to soften the build-up.
Q: I have a new HMD 400 with one motor much louder than the other two. What should I do?
Applies to: HMD400
A: It is possible to receive a unit with a “loud” motor as compared to the others. The motor operating volume is no indicator of its life expectancy, but an extremely loud motor is not desirable. Contact Technical Services for a resolution.
Q: I need to replace one of my motors on my HMD400. What is the procedure?
Applies to: HMD400
A: Unplug the machine, loosen the screws that hold the top cover on, roll the cover backward onto a box or like platform to keep from straining the wires, unplug the motor you want to remove, lift the motor out of the unit. To install the new motor reverse the process. Make sure that the rubber motor donut is correctly placed on top of the motor before putting the cover back in place.
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Blend In Cup 3000:
P: El agua se está saliendo de la cámara de lavado. ¿Qué pasa?
Aplica a: todas las Blend in Cup 3000
A: Algo obstruye el flujo de agua. Intente con estas tres opciones: Verifique si hay acumulación en la rejilla, ubicada en la parte trasera de la cámara de lavado. Verifique si hay una tubería de desagüe obstruida. Reduzca la presión del agua en la tubería.
P: ¿Cómo limpio la tubería de desagüe?
Se aplica a: todas las Blend in Cup 3000
R: Utilice agua hirviendo para deshacer los depósitos azucarados solidificados o las obstrucciones acumuladas en las tuberías. Deje correr el agua hasta que salga clara.
Pregunta: ¿Qué necesito para instalar la máquina?
Aplica a: todas las Blend in Cup 3000
A: Estos son los elementos que necesita para instalar la unidad:
- Una toma de corriente adecuada de 120 V
- Una línea de suministro de agua, lista para tubería de polietileno semirrígida de 1/4″ de diámetro, con una válvula de cierre de agua (Nota: la máquina incluye una tubería de 3 m / 10 pies de longitud)
- A nearby floor drain
- Un método para asegurar la máquina a la superficie de trabajo
- Un regulador de presión de agua para limitar el agua a 60 PSI
Glass Washers:
Q: My glass washer shuts off by itself after it’s been running for a while. What’s wrong?
Applies to: All glass washers
A: Both the 97500 upright and 97510 submersible glass washers employ a thermal protection circuit to prevent damage from overheating. As outlined in the Operators Manual, the glass washer should only be in operation while the user is actively washing glasses (5-10 minutes). The unit should not be left running between batches.
Applies to: 97510
Q: My 97510 submersible glass washer shuts off in hot water. What is wrong?
A: The 97510 should not be used in water hotter than lukewarm. The 97510 has a thermal cut off that is triggered at 130 degrees. If the water is not significantly cooler than 130 degrees it will not properly cool the motor and the motor will shut off. The motor will restart once until it cools to below 130 degrees.
Q: What kind of detergent is best for use with my glass washer?
Applies to: All glass washers.
A: Use a low suds liquid detergent. Use of a powdered detergents can damage the unit.
Q: My glass washer motor runs, but the brushes aren’t turning. What should I do?
Applies to: All glass washers.
A: It is possible for the motor to shift or the setscrews to loosen causing the drive the drive gear to loose contact with the primary driven gear in the base of the unit.
Observe the area where the motor mounts to the unit – is the motor fully seated and straight?
* If yes, check the setscrews to ensure that they are tight. If they aren’t, tighten them using a hex key.
* If the motor is not fully seated and straight on top of the standpipe, loosen the three setscrews slightly and adjust the motor. Be sure to retighten the setscrews when you are done.
If this does not resolve the problem please contact us.
Q: The GFCI plug on my glass washer trips. What is wrong?
Applies to: All glass washers.
A: Several conditions can cause your GFCI to trip:
- Loss of power to the outlet / low voltage to the outlet.
- High voltage to the outlet.
- The motor may have an internal defect.
- The GFCI could be defective.
- Sometimes plugging a GFCI plug into a GFCI receptacle will have an adverse effect on either the plug or the receptacle.
*Please contact us if this condition exists.
932 Juicer:
Q: The handle on my 932 juicer is difficult to pull down. What’s wrong?
Applies to: 932
A: Most likely, there is food product built-up in the gear rack and bracket, preventing the unit from operating correctly. Inspect and clean the gear rack occasionally with a non-abrasive cleaner.
Applying excessive pressure while juicing can damage the gear rack / gear bracket / or pinion gear. Look for indications of damaged teeth over the entire length of the rack. If the rack appears to be in good condition the problem may be in the gear bracket or pinion gear. In either case, the fix for this problem is replacement of the damaged piece(s)
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Stand Mixers:
Q: My unit shuts off while mixing. What is wrong?
Applies to: All stand mixers.
A:The stand mixers employ a thermal protection circuit. If the unit is over loaded, it will heat up and shut down. Evaluate your recipe to confirm that you are not exceeding the maximum weight for the recipe type, as outlined in your operation manual. If your recipe falls within the guidelines of the manual, contact us.
Q: What are the accessory ports used for on the unit? Does HBB offer attachments?
Applies to: All stand mixers.
A: The ports are used on other versions of this stand mixer for various attachments. HBB does not offer these attachments for sale currently. HBB cannot attest to the proper function of attachments produced by other manufactures.
Máquina de cocteles Bartesian Professional:
P: Mi máquina de cócteles no tiene corriente. ¿Qué pasa?
Aplica a: todas las Bartesian
A: Verifique la conexión eléctrica. Verifique que la unidad esté conectada a una toma de corriente que funcione y que el cable de alimentación esté enchufado en el puerto correspondiente en la parte trasera de la unidad.
P: Mi máquina de cócteles no prepara bebidas. ¿Qué ocurre?
Aplica a: todas las Bartesian
R:Aquí hay algunas cosas que debe verificar:
- Check to see if “ADD WATER” is displayed on the Control Panel. If so, add water to the Water Reservoir and press “Next”.
- Abra la tapa y, con un paño suave y seco, limpie la parte superior de la cápsula de cóctel y el lector de códigos de barras debajo de la tapa. Cierre y asegure la tapa y verifique la pantalla en el panel de control.
P: Los licores o el agua fluyen sobre la cápsula durante la operación. ¿Qué ocurre?
Aplica a: todas las Bartesian.
R: Verifique que el sello removible de la cápsula esté colocado en la aguja superior.
P: Mi máquina de cócteles no bombea alcohol. ¿Qué debo hacer?
Se aplica a: todas las Bartesian.
R: Estos son algunos pasos a seguir:
- Check to confirm if the Spirit Bottle is placed in the correct Spirit Bottle Holder
- Limpie las tapas de las botellas de licor para eliminar cualquier posible obstrucción
- Follow the “Important Instructions Before First Use” included in the Operation Manual
- Clean the duck-bill valve as described in steps 4 and 5 of “Cleaning Removable Parts” in the Operation Manual
P: Mi máquina de cócteles no responde ni reconoce cuando se ha insertado una cápsula de cóctel. ¿Qué debo hacer?
Se aplica a: todas las Bartesian.
R: Estos son algunos pasos a seguir:
- Abra la tapa. Con un paño suave y seco, limpie la parte superior de la cápsula de cóctel y el lector de códigos de barras bajo la tapa. Cierre y asegure la tapa. Verifique la pantalla en el panel de control.
- Compruebe que la tapa esté bien asegurada.
P: La tapa de mi máquina de cócteles no cierra cuando se ha insertado una cápsula de cóctel. ¿Qué debo hacer?
Se aplica a: todas las Bartesian.
R: Estos son algunos pasos a seguir:
- Presione hacia abajo el asa al cerrar la tapa.
- Abra la tapa, vuelva a colocar la cápsula de cóctel e inténtelo de nuevo.
- Verifique que la cápsula de cóctel esté instalada correctamente. Vea “Cómo preparar cócteles”.
P: El cóctel sabe diferente de lo que esperaba. ¿Qué debo hacer?
Se aplica a: todas las Bartesian.
R: Estos son algunos pasos a seguir:
- Compruebe que la tapa etiquetada de la botella de licor coincida con el licor en la botella.
- Verifique que la botella de licor correcta esté en el soporte correcto.
- Use agua filtrada o embotellada en el depósito de agua.
P: Una de las botellas de licor está goteando. ¿Qué debo hacer?
Se aplica a: todas las Bartesian.
R: Estos son algunos pasos a seguir:
- Verifique que la junta roja del sello de la tapa esté correctamente colocada con la “nervadura” hacia afuera.
- Verifique que la tapa de la botella de licor coincida con Botella de licor.
- Asegúrese de que la válvula de pico de pato esté completamente insertada en la tapa de la botella de licor.
- Verifique que la junta transparente esté limpia y puesta en el vástago de la válvula.